header |
Information about the website including links to stylesheets and page description. |
no common attributes |
title |
Page title for accessability and search engines. |
no common attributes |
link |
Used to link an external stylesheet. Does not need a closing tag |
rel, type, href |
h1 |
Largest font used for titles and main sections. |
class, id |
h2-6 |
As the number increases, the font gets smaller. used for titles and subtitles. |
class, id |
p |
Smallest text used for paragraphs and main content. |
class, id |
a |
used for links |
class, id, href |
img |
Used to show image. Can be used inside <a> tag as a link. Does not need a closing tag. |
class, id, src |
span |
Alows a new block of code that can be styled seperatley without starting a new line. |
class, id |
table |
Starts a new table element that can have rows and columns |
class, id |
tr |
Main structure within tables to create each row |
class, id |
th |
Used within <tr> tags to create headers for each row. |
class, id |
td |
Main tag nested inside a table representing each cell in the table. |
class, id |
section |
used for semantic html to seperate various sections on the page. |
class, id |
form |
As the number increases, the font gets smaller. used for titles and subtitles. |
class, id |
label |
Used to label input field. Uses "for=(name value)" of input name value. |
for |
input |
Most common tag inside <form> tags to get user input. Must have type and name attributes. Does not require closing tag. |
type, id, name, value |
checkbox |
Not a tag, but a "type" attribute of <input> to form a checkbox. |
N/A |
radio |
Not a tag, but a "type" attribute of <input> to form a radio button to only allow a single choice. |
N/A |
submit |
Not a tag, but a "type" attribute of <input> to form a submit button. |
N/A |